Hijack is a suspenseful thriller following a tense seven-hour flight from Dubai to London that is hijacked. The series unfolds in real-time, as passengers and authorities on the ground navigate the high-stakes crisis, with every moment adding to the gripping intensity.
My Role: Pixera Operator for Lux Machina
I operated the on-screen content for key visual elements, including sky and cloud plates visible through the plane windows and London plates in the background of the office scenes. Collaborating with the Virtual Production Supervisor and the Director of Photography (DoP), I ensured that the visual effects seamlessly blended into the live-action footage, enhancing the series' realism and immersion.
I operated the on-screen content for key visual elements, including sky and cloud plates visible through the plane windows and London plates in the background of the office scenes. Collaborating with the Virtual Production Supervisor and the Director of Photography (DoP), I ensured that the visual effects seamlessly blended into the live-action footage, enhancing the series' realism and immersion.