Silo is a dystopian science fiction series set in a post-apocalyptic world, where the last remnants of humanity live in a giant underground silo. Secrets unravel as inhabitants question the true purpose of their confined existence, leading to gripping drama and mystery.
My Role: Pixera Operator for Lux Machina
I operated the content for screens featured in the cafeteria scenes, ensuring seamless integration of visual elements into the live set environment. Collaborating closely with the VFX team and the Director of Photography (DoP), I managed on-set playback and adjustments to achieve the desired creative vision.
I operated the content for screens featured in the cafeteria scenes, ensuring seamless integration of visual elements into the live set environment. Collaborating closely with the VFX team and the Director of Photography (DoP), I managed on-set playback and adjustments to achieve the desired creative vision.